Pinterest is a social bookmarking site where users collect and share photos or images of their favorite events, interests, and hobbies. One of the fastest growing social media networks online, Pinterest is the third largest social networking site, behind only Facebook and Twitter.
What can Pinterest for you as a writer? Pinterest is the virtual "bulletin board". A bulletin board where readers gain a glimpse into you, the writer. In photos of your book covers, links to your blog/podcasts, or post your calendar of upcoming events,your readers get to know you. You can also save images to a board.
These images could include pictures of a place in the world where you have set previous novel(s) as well as your most recent novel, or works-in-progress.
You may also have private boards, for your eyes only. On these boards you can post inspiration for your work-in-progress. And pictures of items: clothes, scenery, houses, etc. –– that relate to your book. Refer to this board when you have an attack of writer's block, need inspiration, have lost your way along the slippery path to 'the end'.
Tech challenge? Here's how you get started:
- Register@ You will need a Facebook or Twitter account. (The site will import your friends from these social networks.)
- Receive an invitation to join by clicking the red button on
- Decide on a topic for each of your boards.
- Give it a name that is both descriptive and intriguing.
- Pictures for your boards can come from your personal collection, those found on the Internet, or those from someone else's board this is called a "re-pin". This 're-pin'links back to the person you borrowed the picture from. This sharing is what turns Pinterest into a social site, taking it to a higher level than that of online scrapbooking.